Thursday, November 10, 2005

on foot

second run this week, another two-miler (or so; it felt short) at l o w speed. whatever. But no pain at all, so that's a very, very big plus.
Hmmmm, however. I think I might like swimming a bit more, esp. now that it is cold out. Let's see, 80-degree pool or 27 degrees and a breeze in your face? Gee.
OK, it isn't that simple.
all in all, a good day.

Oh, and baked a batch of sticky buns. The b.s. recipe was like, "hey, these are handy because you can make them ahead and throw the unbaked buns in the fridge or freezer. How handy! Then you only need to take them out until they reach room temperature (2 hours?) before baking them. Who wants to get up with me at 04:30 to move buns from fridges to counters?

the buns are, however, delish. And only 470 calories each! So, I had a scrap from the corner of one. I think that total assumed the use of high fructose corn syrup in part of the recipe, but I ditched it in favor of homemade syrup. hfcs is gross. Oh, I left out some gratuitous butter, too. I mean, it's in the dough, does it really need to be in the cinammon frosting that goes inside, too? Maybe I could have some butter in my glass of water, too!


Anonymous said...

I happen to have insider information and I **KNOW** that you used to eat sticks of butter so adding some to a glass of water is less of stretch than your readers might think.

Perhaps you could thaw the buns overnight on the counter under a towel?

Good job on the running...two miles and s......l......o.....wwwww is my kind of run!

Alasdair said...

well, maybe that's why I'm leery of butter now...
plus, I was small then. maybe I thought butter sticks were pre-peeled bananas.
the towel would probably work fine, too. The easiest route, of course, is having sticky buns at midnight!

Anonymous said...

I am HUGELY in favor of midnight sticky bun feasting! Perhaps it should be a new New Years Eve tradition.

yes, pre-peeled bananas...very likely in that household...