Friday, May 12, 2006

fishy business

Aside from a few physical glitches here and there, it appears my plan to get five mile-and-a-half (or four, plus a longer workout) swims in each week is on track.

The physical glitches have been an obstacle off and on for a couple of months, which is annoying. Looking back on the yardage from the fall, I see I'm not ahead of where I've been (and I'm swimming four or five days a week now, not six). But the amount of time I use is quite a bit smaller, so I guess that's progress. And yesterday's swim was much improved over those in the past three or four weeks...

However, the decongestant/allergy/chlorine scene is a little less rosy. Although the Claritin-D box says nothing about side effects or whatnot, I was visited for an hour or so by oddly colored polygons that flashed in my peripheral vision about a half-hour after I took a dose. Coincidence? Perhaps, and the effect did not return after subsequent doses, which I am sorry to say seem less effective than usual.

But this is utterly minor, and rinsing out my nasal passages seems to help quite a bit, too. So I'll just keep on keeping on until the alma mater opens its snazzy new facility and I can weasel my way in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Visiting with colorful hexagons...wouldn't have anything to do with those brownies you were eating....**wink**