Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Scuttled, with the captain aboard

Back in the days of milk and honey, there was such an animal as 168 magazine, a weekly entertainment publication put out by the parent company of The Area Telegraph.

I was reminded of the magazine because my last post was No. 168 (also the number of hours in a week). I thought 168 was a pretty cool idea, and they had nice-looking desks, which as you might guess I assembled. 168 was supposed to slorp up advertising bucks in The Shitsburg Corridor like an amped-up anteater in an ant farm factory.

During a wandering check of conditions, I tried the site's online and scented blood. More evidence was found during a check of staff listings at the parent company, which led me here, where I found that the overlords burned the ship to the water.

Alas, the captain went down with the ship.

But as you can see from the above link, the captain's new gig is much cooler than the old one...


Anonymous said...

That 168 thing sounds like the worst idea ever. How cheesy. Even worse than the Spokesman-Review's entertainment tab, 7, which is named such because it is the average tooth count for Spokane residents.

Alasdair said...

Agreed, the name blew (I think that might actually have been what the captain of that vessel said herself). And the whole advertorial thing was a little weird... It didn't have to be that way, but the corporate kings didn't want to ante up for a reporter (and they obviously were right about that not being affordable).
7 is wicked cheesy, too.