Monday, July 24, 2006

need your hog washed?

Just ask AAA, whose flack is linking "record-high" gas prices with "news" that AAA wants to get out about travelers going online (specifically to AAA resources) to make plans that among other things conserve fuel.

Give me a break. Those "records" aren't adjusted for inflation, and a quarter-century has passed since gas was $3.07 a gallon in 1981 (somewhere in the United States, as reported by the ever-reliable Internet yaps).

As I have said, many times now, the extended spell of high gas prices seems to me a good thing, maybe even a very good thing, although my wallet isn't so happy from time to time.


Anonymous said...

Get used to the higher prices. I've heard that gas consumption is as great - if not greater than before. How many businesses can raise prices and get more demand? Maybe I'm in the wrong line of work.

My problem is keeping my hog cool and in a lit shelter.

Dwarfing the gas price increases, the big talk around here is not of gas prices, but electric rates that went up 72 percent in July. No typo: Seventy-two percent. Of course the electric company waited for the height of A/C use to implement this. Out here we have humidity and heat to deal with!!

And even better, we are FORCED (by legislation) to enroll in a rate reduction plan that will defer the actual payment of the rate increase - with a 5 percent interest rate. As a result, what we actually pay will be a greater than the 72 percent rate increase. Thank you, MD State Legislature and BGE. You're worse than the damn oil companies!!

But there's little inflation -- HA!

Anonymous said...

We're all doomed if our government can't wean itself off of its oil addiction. I think it was already too late when the Supreme Court decided that Bush should be in office. Now we're all riding the slow bus. It's only a matter of time before China/India displace us and we're left not only financially but also intellectually impoverished. At least that's what a very smart EP guy I know thinks.

Anonymous said...

I heard that America's gas consumption will not decrease until it cost rises to the point that it takes $100 to fill up small sedans like Honda Civics...

Only then will us gas guzzling Americans change our ways...